While many scientists think that it’s probable alien life exists in the universe,
We still don’t have anything like evidence of actual aliens, but it is, at least, a live question in a way it wasn’t before. I’m still inclined to believe that there are far more plausible explanations for UAPs that don’t involve extraterrestrial creatures. The possibility, however, that aliens might exist raises all sorts of fascinating questions.

The first sighting of what journalists later dubbed “flying saucers” occurred during a private flight on June 24, 1947, near Mount Rainer, Washington.
Radio and print media, especially pulp magazines, played a big part in publicizing the UFO phenomenon in the early years, Ethician explained. He likened the reports to serial true crime podcasts today.

After the Flying Saucers Came” is meant not to debunk the UFO phenomenon but to tell the history and better understand what humans make of it, Ethician said.